Ramadan timings for free parking in Abu Dhabi
13 May 2018
Ramadan timings for free parking in Abu Dhabi
Motorists in Abu Dhabi will get free parking near mosques for 7 hours in Ramadan

Abu Dhabi: Motorists attending Tawareeh prayers in Abu Dhabi during the month of Ramadan will be exempted from paying any parking fees.
The Department of Municipal Affairs and Transport (DMAT) said that it has adjusted the timings for Mawaqif parking fees and the working hours of its customer care centres for Ramadan.
According to the emirate’s transport authority, parking will be paid from 9am to 2pm every day, except on Friday.
From Saturday to Wednesday, motorists will also have to pay for parking between 9pm and 2.30am, while on Thursday it will be from 9pm and midnight.
This means that motorists will get free parking every day from 2-9pm.
DMAT also stressed that people attending Taraweeh prayers will be exempted from paying fees in the parking bays surrounding mosques during prayer times, “provided that they do not block vehicles or traffic flow.”
It also added that the public should adhere to the regulations regarding the resident permit parking from 9pm to 8am.