Instagram Stories hits 400M daily users, adds music to Stories

1 July 2018


Instagram Stories is unarguably, a creative and fun-filled feature that most of the IG users prefer to update frequently. Ever since it was introduced on the Instagram, Facebook has been rapidly improving the Stories by adding new and new functionalities. Just recently the Stories got a new poll options, Emoji Sliders, stickers and much more that made stories even feature-packed. Profit – the Instagram Stories is now able to attract 400 million users daily towards it!

To celebrate the achievement and also to bring the next millions towards the Instagram Stories, Instagram has today introduced a new Music feature on Stories. With the Music live on Stories, IG users will be able to see a new Music icon on stickers menu. That is, when you tap to add a sticker to a photo or video in Stories, you’ll now see a music icon. Tap on it to open a library of thousands of songs — you can search for a specific song, browse by mood, genre or what’s popular and tap the play button to hear a preview. When you’ve selected your song, you can fast-forward and rewind through the track to choose the exact part that fits your story.

Moreover, there is facility to choose a song before capturing a video. When you open the camera, swipe to the new “Music” option under the record button. Search for a song, select the exact part you want, and record a video as the song plays in the background.

Yesterday, Instagram launched its Lite app for users using low end devices. There are many new features such as Instagram video chat, Topic channels and new camera filters in the latest update. Also, Instagram has come up with a new app for vertical videos monikered – IGTV.

Well, the 400 Million daily users achievement shows the acceptance of Stories on Instagram. Seems like, the number might increase in near future as new add-ons keep on coming to Stories. What you guys have to say regarding the Instagram Stories and the latest Music add-on? We’d be pleased to know your opinions on the comment section below.

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